Creative deals, crafted with you

Partnering with business owners in a flexible, tailored way

What will your business - and life - look like in 12-36 months?

That’s the challenging, but necessary, question we grown-ups get to ask ourselves.

The next 12-36 months can be more of the same, perhaps a little different, a little better. Or, the next 12-36 months can be transformational.

More growth. More profits. More impact. More peace of mind.

The right solution at the right time

Typically, I work with businesses currently doing $5-100M revenue where the owners want to build towards a successful exit.

The exact structure depends on your needs, and where the business is now. One thing many owners find refreshingly different is my creative, tailored and flexible approach to building businesses.

For instance, we’ve structured deals where:

The business has a great product or service, but is scratching the surface, so we build out the right marketing, sales and operational capabilities to scale-up into global markets.

The business has no natural successor to run the business, so we buy a competitor - without risking capital - and let that management team take over, freeing the owner to exit.

The business operates in an ecosystem - such as servicing a particular niche or technology - with many competitors, so we go on a ‘buy and build’ spree and exponentially grow enterprise value.

These are three examples of many. The best way to explore in conversation together and allow the specifics to unfold.

Helping business owners build and exit

Typically, business owners have one of these three goals in mind:

They want to build the business towards a majority or minority equity sale, taking risk off the table, providing capital and freedom for other pursuits.

They want to build the business for the long-term, entering new markets, consolidating the sector via M&A, and maximising shareholder value.

They want to build towards succession, handing over the reigns to the next generation of management, ensuring their team and legacy are protected.

Whatever your unique situation, goals, and reality now, we can make it happen together.

For me, success in any partnership is when we celebrate that life-changing outcome. One where you can look back on the last phase of your life with pride, and enter the next phase with options.

Contact me today to continue the conversation

If you would like to have a friendly, confidential discussion on how to grow your business to successful exit, please email me directly to arrange an introductory chat.